The Haunting of Borley Rectory

(This list of contents is not part of the original. The text of this copied version does not always match perfectly with the original pages - e.g. some page breaks are different, some punctuation was changed, redundant headings of "confidential" and "private and confidential" were omitted. Original page numbers noted. Clicking each page will link to the next, or a link will be provided at the bottom of the page. A link back to this page is at the bottom of each page.)

Title page
1681 quotation of Joseph Glanville
Advertisement in the TIMES, 25 May 1937
1. No page is numbered "1"
2. Price letter to Glanville, 3 June 1937 - raps heard
3. Declaration Form for observers
4. Glanville letter to Price, 4 June 1937 - to take photos
5. Price letter to Glanville, 9 June 1937 - Key with Mrs. Arbin in cottage
6. Price letter to Glanville, 17 June 1937 - Tin and box moved
7. Price letter to Glanville, 18 June 1937 - cover letter for "Evidence"
8-11. Evidence for the Haunting of B----- Rectory
12-13. Report of 19 June visit
14. Price letter to Glanville, 21 June 1937 - Perturbed about visitors
15. Kerr-Pearse visit of 26 June 1937
15a. Glanville letter to Price, 28 June 1937 - cover letter for floor plans/photographs
Ground floor plan
First floor plan
Cellars plan
Photo - Rectory from church tower
17. The rectory front entrance 1 & 2
18. Drive gates - Summer house
Nun's walk from summer house - Summer house from nun's walk
19. Rectory from the lawn - Courtyard
20. Summer house - Fireplace with tin
21. Dining room - Drawing room
22. Kitchen passage 1 & 2 - Bathroom passage
23. Hall by kitchen passage - Main staircase
Objects on Blue Room window cill (sic)
Toward chapel - Blue Room
25. Bedroom 7 - Outside Blue Room
26. Price letter to Glanville, 29 June 1937 - receipt of photos, "getting curious reports" - picture of observer
27. Price letter to Glanville, 30 June 1937 - prints are "magnificent"
28. Report from Keer-Pearse, 16 July 1937 - A woman's coat
29. Report from Kerr-Pearse, 18 July 1937 - rotted wood found
30. Price letter to Glanville, 20 July 1937 - several new writings
31. Price letter to Glanville, 26 July 1937 - several pencil marks "appeared right under our noses"
32. Cover letter from Glanville to Price covering visit of August 15
33-34. Glanville report of 15 August 1937 - tracings made
35. Wall writings #1 and #2
36. Wall writing #3
37. Wall writing #4
38. Wall writing #5
39. Wall writings #6
40. Wall writings #7
41. Wall writings Room 2
42. Wall writings near Kitchen, opposite sewing room, Room 3
43. Wall writing outside Scullery
44. Wall writings back staircase
45. Letter from Price to Glanville, 16 August 1937 - thanks for photographs of tracings
46. Letter from Price to Glanville, 18 August 1937 - regarding books
47-48. Notes
49. Letter from Lionel's brother to Glanville, 28 August 1937 - thought phenomena had ceased
50. Letter from Glanville to Price, 29 August 1937 - butcher's bones in dog's grave
51. Unsigned report of 29 August 1937 - footsteps, new wall marks
52. Note from Kerr-Pearse, 30 August 1937 - Miss Reid felt terror
53. Letter from Price to Glanville, 30 August 1937 - about the bones.
54-55. Letter from Lionel Foyster to Glanville(?), 31 August 1937 - brief synopsis of residency
56. Note for Foyster inquiries, undated
57-58. Letter from Lionel Foyster to Glanville, 2 September 1937 - answers to questions
59. Letter from Harry Price to Glanville, 7 September 1937 - no one scheduled Oct. 1-3
60. Letter from Harry Price to Glanville, 9 September 1937 - urging Mrs. Glanville attend
61. Letter from Lionel Foyster to Glanville, 12 September 1937 - offering to send manuscript [Fifteen Months]
62. Letter from Lionel Foyster to Glanville, 16 September 1937 - agreement to send manuscript
63. Undated report of visit - tin moved, footprints found, taps heard
64. Thank you letter from Glanville to Foyster, 19 September 1937
65. Letter from Price to Glanville, 20 September 1937 - Glanville and wife to attend Oct. 1-3.
66. Note from Kerr-Pearse, 21 September 1937 - 50 pound sack of coal moved 18 inches
67. Note from Kerr-Pearse, 22 September 1937 - heavy thud, cold
68. Letter from Hugh Harrison to Glanville, 23 September 1937 - psychic lady found cold spot
69. Letter from Guy Smith, 29 September 1937 - he would rather discuss than write about the matter
70. Letter from Price to Glanville, 30 September 1937 - "your son's friend" would be most useful at dark senances!"
71. Letter from Rupert Haig, cousin of Kerr-Pearse, 2 October 1937 - following their visit 22 October(sic), cold convinced him it is haunted
72. Letter to Price from Glanville, 3 October 1937 - visit with wife and son witnessed nothing
73. Letter from Price to Glanville, 4 October 1937 - recalls sound was heard when coal was moved
74-78. Background supplied by Smiths, 6 October 1937
79. Letter from Glanville to Lionel Foyster, 8 October 1937 - suggestions for manuscript
80. Letter from Guy Smith to Glanville, 9 October 1937 - thanks for loaning Price's book
81. Letter from Lionel Foyster to Glanville, 12 October 1937 - thanks for critique
82. Letter from Lionel Foyster to Glanville, 16 October 1937 - acknowledging return of manuscript
83. Letter from Price to Glanville, 18 October 1937 - Price to furnish stove
84. Letter from Price to Glanville, 21 October 1937 - Dr. Bellamy witness pencil marks, bell ringing, scattered books
85. Letter from Mark Kerr-Pearse to Glanville, 21 October 1937 - As a result of the Bellamy experiences, he is to spend a week
86-87. Report of Kerr-Pearse, October 1937 - various sounds, coat tugged, cupboard handle loosened, pencil marks including "M," Price and Rev. Henning present for some activity
88. Letter from Kerr-Pearse to Glanville, 27 October 1937 - locked in base room, shufflings heard
89. Letter from Glanville to Price, 28 October 1937 - various sounds, new marks, inquiring if photographs of old wall markings should be attempted, coat photographed
90. Letter from Price to Glanville, 29 October 1937 - take photos of wall writings, Price and Cordell see rough "M" on wall
91. Letter from Guy Smith to Glanville, 29 October 1937 - returning Price's book which gave them "some queer moments as to its credibility and on the other hand, each exposure was pat to the moment."
92. Kerr-Pearse plan of cellar, November 1937
93. Letter from Price to Glanville, 2 November 1937 - asking if new "M" had been photographed
94. Letter from Price to Glanville, 4 November 1937 - photograph of "fatal spot"
95. Letter from Price to Glanville, 5 November 1937 - offering copy of Confessions of a Ghosthunter
96. Letter from Price to Glanville, 10 November 1937 - photos excellent, Listener article includes two of them
97-98. Listener article by Price, 10 November 1937
99. Letter from Guy Smith to Glanville, 14 November 1937 - will answer any questions, use the mirror that "tapped," wife thinks rectory should be pulled down
100. Letter from Price to Glanville, 17 November 1937 - Henning and Pain family see lights
101. Letter from Guy Smith to Glanville, 19 November 1939 - thanks for Listener article, Mrs. Smith wants to help "set the stage," general offer to help
102. Letter from Glanville to Price, 22 November 1937 - house painters have broken all seals; basement cleaned out
103. Report of 22 November 1937 - workman sees column of smoke, window blind moved, brother of Harry calls and says he didn't see anything but heard sounds, rap heard
104. Letter from Price to Glanville, 23 November 1937 - thanks for more photographs
105. Letter from Mabel Smith to Glanville, 23 November 1937 - shutters had been pulled by "no-one," hope mystery is soon cleared up
106. Letter from Glanville to Price, 24 November 1937 - photos sent
107. Letter from Price to Glanville, 25 November 1937 - thanks for photos
108. Letter from Glanville to Mrs. Smith, 29 November 1937 - thanks for offering to bring mementoes back
109. Letter from Guy Smith to Glanville, 1 December 1937 - promise to show "some interesting spots" whilst visiting, "I hope this time [the ghosts] will show up in plenty," to bring clock which constantly had its hand set back
110. Letter from Glanville to Price, 6 December 1937 - Foreman of the painters "has numerous tales to tell" supporting the haunting
111. Letter from Price to Glanville, 7 December 1937 - Wonders if Marianne has made enquiries concerning the investigation
112. Letter from Glanville to Price, 10 December 1937 - Smiths to bring items to "help induce phenomena"
113. Letter from Glanville to Price, 13 December 1937 - Hoping the Smith effort will be worth while
114. Letter from Glanville to Guy Smith, 22 December 1937 - What day to meet
115. Letter from Guy Smith to Glanville, 27 December 1937 - Trying to set date, bring sleeping bags to hide in just in case things get thrown
116-118. Notes, undated, unsigned - dates, peoples backgrounds, questions
119. Letter from Guy Smith to Glanville, 6 January 1938 - Visit details
120. Letter from Glanville to Price, 13 January 1938 - Nothing of interest happened during Smith visit
121. Letter from Price to Glanville, 14 January 1938 - Perhaps the visit would have produced results if the Smiths could have stay a week or so
122. Letter from Glanville to Price, 21 January 1938 - Had little hope for Smith's visit
123. Letter from Glanville to Guy Smith, 21 January 1938 - Reviewing Smith's visit
124. Letter from Guy Smith to Glanville, 23 January 1938 - "spooks" may have traveled to their present home
125. Letter from Price to Glanville, 24 January 1938 - arranging visit
126. Letter from Price to Glanville, 3 March 1938 - wife of B.B.C. official saw nun
127. Letter from Price to Glanville, 7 March 1938 - B.B.C. to visit 12 March
128. Report of Roger Glanville and Alan Cuthbert, 16 March 1938 - items moved, sounds heard
129. Letter from Price to Glanville, 17 March 1938 - missing towels
130. Report of M. Savage to Harry Price, 19 March 1938 - gluey material, knock, but still "very far from haunted"
131. Letter from Hugh Harrison to Glanville, 12 April 1938 - items had moved from their marks
132-33. Notes of conversations with Ethel Bull and unnamed sister, 26 June 1938 - "both stoutly maintain that the rectory has always been haunted by the nun"
133a. Planchette writing, 27 March 1938 - Glanvilles at Streatham
134. Planchette writing, 23 October 1937 - at Borley
135-36. Planchette writing, 23 October 1937 - at Borley
137-38. Planchette writing, 24 October 1937 - at Borley
139-40. Planchette writing, 24 October 1937 - at Borley
141-44. Planchette writing, 24 October 1937 - at Borley
145. Planchette writing, 25 October 1937 - at Borley
146. Planchette writing, 25 October 1937 - at Borley
147-48. Planchette writing, 25 October 1937 - at Borley
149. Explanation of planchette writing
150. Planchette writing, 25 October 1937 - at Borley
151. Explanation of planchette sitting of 28 October 1937 - at Borley
152-53. Planchette writing, 28 October 1937 - at Borley
154. Planchette writing, 30 October 1937 - at Borley
155-59. Planchette writing, 31 October 1937 - at Borley
160. Planchette writing, 20-21 November 1937 - at Borley
161. Analysis of 12 month period based on unnamed rectors record - of 45 incidents, 80 percent were after dark and 40 percent of those were on the ground floor
162. Handwritten note from Glanville to Trevor Hall - 27 July 1953
163. Photo of nun's walk
164-65. Various photos of burned out rectory
166. "Village Fete" flier, June 1939
Copy of Blue Book of Instructions

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