Stephen D. Smith analysis of Mark Bradley photo

Mark Bradley recently asked me to take a closer look at his photos and I readily agreed, although I suspected that the pictures were perhaps too small for proper examination. I looked mainly at the first picture (as this is the largest) and, initially, conceded that there could be a face behind the bush in the centre of the picture. However, when I zoomed-in on this "face", I could see through its "eyes" to the greenery of the bush behind. I also noted that the width of what would be the nose on this face was very much wider than normal.

Stephen Smith anaylses Bradley photo
I reported these observations to Mark who, in turn, replied saying that he disagreed with my suggestions and thought I was being too sceptical. However, he then went back to Borley for a second look. He subsequently wrote to me, stating that the face - or the "ghostly dwarf", as he had labelled it - was, in fact, a Celtic Cross (that's why it was possible to see though the "eyes" and why the "nose" was wide). He added that other curiosities in the picture were also due to natural causes.

"You were right", he wrote to me, but I derive no satisfaction from this knowledge. I should like to state for the record that I admire Mark's honesty and decency. Not everyone would have admitted their error.

My purpose in reporting all this is twofold: (1) I want the Borley website to have the latest and most accurate information about this picture and (2) I want to say that, in my opinion, people who are decent enough to admit their mistakes and who are thoughtful enough to investigate further by going back for a "second look" are just the sort people who make good ghost hunters.

Sadly, Mark also told me that he'd lost interest in the subject as a result of this event but I have asked him to reconsider.

With best wishes,
Stephen D. Smith