John Keenleyside experience at Borley

I remember going to Borley and going into an old shed, which is now a part of a garden greenhouse behind the rectory, I jumped over an old gate, which I believe is still their, and walked along a path which was going through long grass, I got to an entrance which was at the end of the building.
I was with two friends of mine, and as we stepped in we lit some matches to see what was about. As the light got brighter we noticed a picture of a naked man in a circle - it's a famous drawing that might have been done by Da Vinci. This was drawn in thick white chalk. Also there was a circle of candles at points of a star, which was also drawn in chalk in front of the other drawing on the floor. The candles where still smoking as if we had just disturbed something. As we turned around to leave, as this was not good and I remember such a sudden urge of panic, it was then we saw nooses hanging up from all different heights and some had chicken feet in them and some where just left open, this was a time to leave fast and believe me, no thing from hell could have stopped us that night, we ran all the way to Rodbridge Corner
If there are no ghosts, there are certainly worshippers there of some sort.
A firm beliver in spirts and aliens.

John Keenleyside