Robert Duffy experience at Borley

Myself & my wife Kerry have always had a keen interest in the paranormal, especially the Rectory & Church at Borley. This stemmed from stories my farther used to tell me when I was a young child (I'm now 27) and various TV programmes screened in the seventies.
We finally visited Borley on the 2nd January 1995 after a long drive from our home town of Southampton, Hampshire arriving at about 12.00 midday. After getting our bearings as to the layout of the village (and the old site of the rectory) we decided to look around the church & churchyard. Unfortunately the actual church building was locked so we concentrated on the graveyard instead, taking time to read the gravestones. Whilst walking around the sight I proceeded to take photographs from what seemed every available angle both in front & behind the church. Although neither my wife of I noticed anything out of the ordinary, we both had an overpowering sensation that we were being watched or followed in someway, indeed I even felt nervous raising the camera to my face. However the day passed without incident, and we returned home that evening.
The following day the film was developed at a local shop and we looked through the pictures, at first nothing seemed unusual about any of the images, but on closer inspection, three of the pictures contained some unexplainable "visions"
1) A shot taken from the back of the church (from the tower end toward to opposite end of the building) shows quite clearly (to us anyway) a face "looking" over the top of one of the gravestones. On the original photograph the face is very small, we had the print enlarged and it became more apparent still. Being still skeptical the picture was sent to Southampton University by a local Paranormal Group to check for possible "tampering" and/or camera failure. This check came back OK, and nobody has yet come up with a satisfactory explanation.
2) Two pictures taken at the front of the church looking in the same direction as the above shows what could be three translucent figures standing facing the camera (one possibly wearing some kind of head dress). These images are far smaller than the one above and we have never bothered to get the print enlarged owing to the "success" of the first.

Analysis by Stephen D. Smith